A New Programming Language

Ceylon is a new programming language by redhat

Appeared in2011
Designed byGavin King, Red Hat
Typing disciplineStatic, strong, safe
Influenced byJava, Scala, Smalltalk
LicenseApache v2

Ceylon is based on JAVA  and runs on "Java Virtual Machines" and "JavaScript Virtual Machines". As industry analysts say, Ceylon is a  "Java killer".but rejects this.


Ceylon has a powerful static type system that prevents many bugs while letting you express more, more easily: union types, intersection types, higher order functions, mixin inheritance, and enumerated types.
 As red hat says "Ceylon is a language for writing large programs in teams."


We spend more time reading other's code than writing our own. Therefore, Ceylon prioritizes readability, via a highly regular syntax, support for treelike structures, and elegant syntax sugar where appropriate.


Ceylon controls complexity with clarity. The language eschews magical implicit features with ambiguous corner cases. The compiler follows simple, intuitive rules and produces meaningful errors.
A Platform
Ceylon is a whole platform with a modern SDK designed from scratch. It runs on both Java and JavaScript virtual machines, bridging the gap between client and server. Ceylon is fully interoperable with Java and the Java SDK.

With Modularity

Modularity is at the very core of the language, SDK and tooling. The compiler produces module archives which are then distributed via a next-generation repository architecture with Ceylon Herd as its social focus point.

And Tooling

Static typing is the technology that enables killer tools. Ceylon comes with a complete command line toolset, and a fully-fledged Eclipse based IDE with searching, refactoring, quick fixes + assists, autocompletion, debugging, and much more.

click Learn Ceylon to see more about Ceylon.

Ceylon 1.0.0 in now available and purpose of this project is to build a brand new programming language and a SDK to compete with JAVA.


Harsha Jayamanna

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