Currency masked TextBox in C#


I went though so many web pages and i couldn't find a simple currency masked TextBox which simple and easy to understand. Below is a simple code which was implemented by me and it is very easy to understand and you will able to modify it easily according to your requirements.

 private string val = "";

 private void textBox16_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int count = this.textBox16.Text.Split('.').Length - 1;

            if (this.textBox16.Text.Length==0)
            if (!TextisValid(this.textBox16.Text) || count>1)
                this.textBox16.Text =val;
                this.textBox16.SelectionStart = this.textBox16.Text.Length;

            if(this.textBox16.Text.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf('.') != -1){
                string[] words = this.textBox16.Text.Split('.');

                if (words[1].Length > 2)
                    this.textBox16.Text = val;
                    this.textBox16.SelectionStart = this.textBox16.Text.Length;

            val = this.textBox16.Text;
            //this.textBox16.Text = "x.xx";
 private bool TextisValid(string text)
            //Regex money = new Regex(@"^\$(\d{1,3}(\,\d{3})*|(\d+))(\.\d{2})?$");
            Regex money = new Regex(@"^-*[0-9,\.]+$");
            return money.IsMatch(text);

Harsha Jayamanna

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